Most of you probably wonder what to do when it comes to laundering your dirty fluff! It's super easy, and really friends, there is no need for a cloth diaper laundry service. You can save so much money by laundering your own cloth diapers from home. After all, the main reason we cloth diaper is to save money as well as to be green AND maybe ;) because of the ADORABLE colors and prints.
What you will need:
Cloth diaper friendly laundry detergent
Yourself of course :)
Washing Machine
Dryer OR if you want to save even MORE money...a laundry line outside (remember that the sun is a natural stain remover!)
1. I would recommend washing no more that a couple dozen diapers together. Remember to use the laundry tabs if using aplix/velcro closure. COLD RINSE cycle (this loosens up all the yuckies)
2. HOT WASH/COLD Rinse: Use the recommended amount of cloth diaper friendly detergent.
3. ONE MORE Cold Rinse
4. LINE Dry covers as they tend to wear more if you dry in the dryer. I put all my inserts in the dryer BUT if it's nice and warm outside my inserts will be outside sunning!
That's it!
Some people ask how to get the poo off of the diaper before washing. Here are some tips:
If you are exclusively breastfeeding there is no need to rinse, srub, swish, etc... the diaper before you put it in the wash machine.
If you are using formula and/or solids you can either buy a diaper sprayer or use the conventional method of using a rubber scrapper (which is what I use) to get the solids off the diaper.
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